Carl, I think permission/ownership is the problem. Not sure what I need to
do. I substituted “user” for my userid.

Stan. I think you are onto something. I have always used the installers to
install NB. Used this script for the first time. Took awhile to figure it
out. I do see this:

userid@Peters-MacBook-Air NetBeans % ls -l

total 0

drwxrwxr-x  4 userid     admin  128 Dec  6 13:50 Apache NetBeans

drwxr-xr-x  3 root       wheel   96 Mar  6 10:56 Apache NetBeans

userid@Peters-MacBook-Air NetBeans %

I see NB13 is owned by root where NB12.6 is owned by me. Could this be
causing the issue?

All checksums are in order. I have run into that quarantining issue before,
but not sure that is the issue here.


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