NB 13
Win 7/10/11
gcc 11.3.0

I'm trying to use NB as a C/C++ IDE. Some issues:

1. I can't compile. Properties->Compile Commands = "<path>g++.exe -c
   -dumpdir ..\obj\ -std=c++17 -o ..\obj\", but Run->Compile File is
   'grayed' and can't be used. I've also tried linux separators (/) and
   amisture of both, C:\cygwin/ ... . I can't seem to get this right.
   What am I doing wrong?
2. I am using clangd (Tools->Options->C/C++->clangd Location) but when
   I double-click on a underscored variable name (ab_cd), only the
   first part (ab) is highlighted. Any reason that the syntax of a
   variable is not recognized?
3. Highlighting a function name and then selecting Find in Projects
   fails to find the function (or variable) . Is this something that NB
   14 will fix?

I hope there is something that I can do to at least compile, and then build, my files. I've tried several versions of the compile command, all failing. I don't know what else to do.


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