The original Gradle (7.5) doc says:

The project root directory contains all source files that are part of your project. In addition, it contains files and directories that are generated by Gradle such as |.gradle| and |build|. While the former are usually checked in to source control, the latter are transient files used by Gradle to support features like incremental builds.




On 06.08.22 02:26, Owen Thomas wrote:
I have my projects running. All is good in the world.

I see the directory indicated in the title of this message sometimes contains files for projects with old names (I converted my project names from camel to kebab case when this was indicated to me as the standard in gradle/maven, so I did as I was told).

Is it important to keep nb-cache under version control in Git? Are there any other NetBeans or Gradle directories that can be ignored? Do I ignore them or do I exclude them from the commit?



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