Hey All!

I am working on an NBP application and am wondering how I can create a custom "Submit Bug Report" action when using the ErrorManager or Exceptions APIs.

Basically, I moved all of my projects from GitHub to GitLab because of a certain feature offered by the latter: Service Desk. This feature allows for anonymous bug reports to be submitted to a special email address for the project's issues tracking system.

In my standard J2SE/Swing applications, I have an error handling API that provides a button on the error message that allows the user to submit a bug report. When the user chooses to do so, s/he:

1. Clicks the "Submit Bug Report" button on the error message
    1. This starts a bug report wizard to gather information
2. Steps through the bug report wizard, which:
    1. Gathers system information
    2. Gathers Java information
    3. Gathers application log files
    4. Requests information from the user, such as:
        1. Expected results
        2. Actual results
        3. Steps to reproduce the error
3. Clicks the "Submit" button at the end of the wizard, which:
    1. Creates an email message:
        1. Exception class and message becomes the title of the email,
           with "[BUG] " prepended to it
        2. User-provided information becomes the body of the email
        3. Gathered system and Java information is placed below the
           user-provided data in the email body
        4. Gathered application log files are attached to the email
    2. Opens the transport layer
    3. Sends the email to my GitLab Service Desk, which causes an Issue
       to be opened in the issue tracker

Now that I am developing a larger application on the NBP, I am unsure of how to provide this same functionality. I figure that I will need to implement something in the API, but I have no idea of where to start looking to figure out what to implement or override.

Any suggestions and pointers are greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

-Sean C.

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