Might this help?

Den fre 10 feb. 2023 17:39Sean Carrick <s...@pekinsoft.com> skrev:

> Hey All!
> I am working on an NBP application and am wondering how I can create a
> custom "Submit Bug Report" action when using the ErrorManager or
> Exceptions APIs.
> Basically, I moved all of my projects from GitHub to GitLab because of a
> certain feature offered by the latter: Service Desk. This feature allows
> for anonymous bug reports to be submitted to a special email address for
> the project's issues tracking system.
> In my standard J2SE/Swing applications, I have an error handling API that
> provides a button on the error message that allows the user to submit a bug
> report. When the user chooses to do so, s/he:
>    1. Clicks the "Submit Bug Report" button on the error message
>       1. This starts a bug report wizard to gather information
>    2. Steps through the bug report wizard, which:
>       1. Gathers system information
>       2. Gathers Java information
>       3. Gathers application log files
>       4. Requests information from the user, such as:
>          1. Expected results
>          2. Actual results
>          3. Steps to reproduce the error
>       3. Clicks the "Submit" button at the end of the wizard, which:
>       1. Creates an email message:
>          1. Exception class and message becomes the title of the email,
>          with "[BUG] " prepended to it
>          2. User-provided information becomes the body of the email
>          3. Gathered system and Java information is placed below the
>          user-provided data in the email body
>          4. Gathered application log files are attached to the email
>       2. Opens the transport layer
>       3. Sends the email to my GitLab Service Desk, which causes an Issue
>       to be opened in the issue tracker
> Now that I am developing a larger application on the NBP, I am unsure of
> how to provide this same functionality. I figure that I will need to
> implement something in the API, but I have no idea of where to start
> looking to figure out what to implement or override.
> Any suggestions and pointers are greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance
> for your assistance.
> -Sean C.

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