
Ant never had an automatic way to pull in dependencies (well, perhaps later 
versions of Ant did but I am ignorant of such updates).  Maven and gradle, 
however, know how to query external repositories of information to pull in 
such dependencies.

Maven and gradle ALSO know that you should cache such artifacts locally as 
much as possible.

In your case, you should publish any local artifacts to your local maven 
repository.  (Look in the ~/.m2/repository/ directory structure to see what's 

Mark A. Flacy

On Monday, May 15, 2023 3:26:03 PM CDT Jerome Lelasseux wrote:
> I try to migrate my Ant-based NB platform app (~70 modules) to Maven, but
> I'm new to Maven, so forgive the newbie question.
> I created a new empty NB platform app with a sample module from the NB
> wizard, then I built from there. I used  on
> GitHub as a kind of model. So now I have my parent project, the app
> project, the branding project and all my modules. I checked the various
> pom.xml. Running "mvn validate" is a success, and the projects structure in
> the IDE is OK.
> BUT... I can't build ! Using "BUild with dependencies" on the app project, I
> get error messages like:
> The POM for org.jjazz:org.jjazz.utilities:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT is missing, no
> dependency information available The POM for
> org.netbeans.api:org.openide.actions:jar:RELEASE170 is missing, no
> dependency information available...
> Using the "Solve project problems" menu, I understood that the dependencies
> are not found because they are not available in my local repository. But to
> be in the repository I need to compile the module, which depends on other
> modules etc... The only modules I was able to compile are the few ones with
> no dependencies at all, so only those were copied in the local repository.
> I expected Maven (or rather the reactor plugin) to parse the module
> dependency tree and infer the appropriate compilation order, like Ant
> did... What do I miss ?
> Jerome
> PS: I used a bash script to automate the migration process as much as
> possible. When I'm done I'll be happy to share it -there is not much info
> on the web...

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