> On Feb 9, 2024, at 9:46 PM, Andreas Reichel <andr...@manticore-projects.com> 
> wrote:
>> On Sat, 2024-02-10 at 12:17 +1000, Peter Kirkham wrote:
>> Maybe I'm wrong and I'm just a modern-day Luddite.
> No, you are not. It CAN be extremely useful WHEN you know exactly what you 
> want and are an expert in your topic. THEN you can use the AI generated 
> template and quickly tweak it until it works. Like a secretary.

I’ve used Codeium (it’s free and decent) with VScode and found it can be a time 
saver by finishing off a loop or switch etc. based on patterns it finds in the 
code.  For example it will find that if my cases in a switch match some 
constant strings defined elsewhere in the code, it will simply offer to finish 
off all the cases with the remaining items from that set of strings.  Doing a 
lot of the boilerplate in a much smarter version of autocomplete.
For generating “original” code it often misses details and definitely needs to 
be tweaked, but still the template that it comes up with saves time… as long as 
you know enough to double check what it did and fix the remaining issues.


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