I’ve entered a Jira issue, NIFI-1660, to enhance the expression language to be 
able to evaluate a Json path.  I plan on submitting a pull request on it in the 
next week or so.  

On 3/22/16, 2:53 AM, "Conrad Crampton" <conrad.cramp...@secdata.com> wrote:

>My 2p. 
>If the kaka.key value (very simple json), you could use UpdateAttribute and 
>use some expression language - specifically the string manipulation functions 
>to extract the part you want.
>I like the power or ExecuteProcessor by the way.
>And I agree, this community is phenomenally responsive and helpful.
>On 21/03/2016, 18:38, "McDermott, Chris Kevin (MSDU - STaTS/StorefrontRemote)" 
><chris.mcderm...@hpe.com> wrote:
>>Thanks everyone.  While I’m naturally disappointed that this doesn’t exist, I 
>>am hyper charged about the responsiveness and enthusiasm of the NiFi 
>>From: Matt Burgess <mattyb...@gmail.com<mailto:mattyb...@gmail.com>>
>>Reply-To: "users@nifi.apache.org<mailto:users@nifi.apache.org>" 
>>Date: Monday, March 21, 2016 at 1:58 PM
>>To: "users@nifi.apache.org<mailto:users@nifi.apache.org>" 
>>Subject: Re: Help on creating that flow that requires processing attributes 
>>in a flow content but need to preserve the original flow content
>>One way (in NiFi 0.5.0+) is to use the ExecuteScript processor, which gives 
>>you full control over the session and flowfile(s).  For example if you had 
>>JSON in your "kafka.key" attribute such as "{"data": {"myKey": "myValue"}}" , 
>>you could use the following Groovy script to parse out the value of the 
>>'data.myKey' field:
>>def flowfile = session.get()
>>if(!flowfile) return
>>def json = new 
>>flowfile = session.putAttribute(flowfile, 'myKey', json.data.myKey)
>>session.transfer(flowfile, REL_SUCCESS)
>>I put an example of this up as a Gist 
>>A possible improvement could be to add a "jsonPath" function to Expression 
>>Language, which could take any value (including an attribute) along with a 
>>JSONPath expression to evaluate against it...
>>On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 1:48 PM, McDermott, Chris Kevin (MSDU - 
>><chris.mcderm...@hpe.com<mailto:chris.mcderm...@hpe.com>> wrote:
>>Thanks for the reply.  I think I was not clear.
>>The JSON I need to evaluate is in a FlowFile attribute (kafka.key) which I 
>>need to be able to evaluate without modifying the original FlowFile content 
>>(which was read from the Kafka topic).  What I can’t figure out is how to 
>>squirrel away the flowfile content so that I can write the value of the 
>>kafka.key attribute to the FlowFile content, so that I can process it with 
>>EvaluateJsonPath, and then read content I squirreled away back into the 
>>FlowFile content. I considered using the the DistributedMapCache, but there 
>>would be no guarantee what I added to the cache would still be there when I 
>>needed it back.
>>On 3/21/16, 1:37 PM, "Joe Witt" 
>><joe.w...@gmail.com<mailto:joe.w...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>Sounds like you have the right flow in mind already.  EvaluateJSONPath
>>>does not write content.  It merely evaluates the given jsonpath
>>>expression against the content of the flowfile and if appropriate
>>>creates a flowfile attribute of what it finds.
>>>For example if you have JSON from Twitter you can use EvaluateJsonPath
>>>and add a property with a name
>>>'twitter.user' and a value of '$.user.name<http://user.name>'
>>>Once you run the tweets through each flow file will have an attribute
>>>called 'twitter.user' with the name found in the message.  No
>>>manipulation of content at all.  Just promotes things it finds to flow
>>>file attributes.
>>>On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 1:34 PM, McDermott, Chris Kevin (MSDU -
>>><chris.mcderm...@hpe.com<mailto:chris.mcderm...@hpe.com>> wrote:
>>>> What I need to do is read a file from Kafka.  The Kafka key contains a 
>>>> JSON string which I need to turn in FlowFile attributes while preserving 
>>>> the original FlowFile content.  Obviously I can use EvaluteJsonPath but 
>>>> that necessitates replacing the FlowFile content with the kaka.key 
>>>> attribute, thus loosing the original FlowFile content.  I feel like I’m 
>>>> missing something fundamental.
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