We just reinstalled MapR client (4.0.2) with security patch on our NiFi servers 
as our IT enabled security.  I will test NiFi connectivity to MapR tomorrow and 
update MapR-client.md with my findings. 
I need to explore how to save data in parquet format on MapR HDFS. Anybody has 
success using kites processor with MapR?
Sent from my iPad

> On Jun 14, 2016, at 3:55 PM, Andre <andre-li...@fucs.org> wrote:
> Ravi,
> "1. 
> https://github.com/xmlking/mapr-nifi-hadoop-libraries-bundle/blob/master/mapr-client.md
>  – has a step to configure fs.defaultFS, should I configure the cluster 
> resource manage here? Or should I get maprfs url from our IT who is 
> supporting the cluster?"
> Depends on your configuration, but generally the fs.defaultFS can be 
> configured just by using your own settings (and pointing the NiFi processor 
> to your settings).
> Ideally you should be connecting to a cluster defined under 
> /opt/mapr/conf/mapr-clusters.conf (assuming you haven't played with client 
> configs)
> Also have in mind that mapr-client.md file seems to be focused on insecure 
> MapR clusters. Are you using insecure (terrible choice), MapR Hybrid security 
> (not ideal IMHO) or Kerberos (recommended IMHO)?
> Cheers
>> On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 3:36 AM, Ravi Papisetti (rpapiset) 
>> <rpapi...@cisco.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have configure the way it is mentioned in below e-mail, still no luck:-(.
>> I have two questions:
>> 1. 
>> https://github.com/xmlking/mapr-nifi-hadoop-libraries-bundle/blob/master/mapr-client.md
>>  – has a step to configure fs.defaultFS, should I configure the cluster 
>> resource manage here? Or should I get maprfs url from our IT who is 
>> supporting the cluster?
>> 2. Matt: What is MaprPR? Can you please elaborate
>> Appreciate all your responses.
>> Thanks,
>> Ravi Papisetti
>> Technical Leader
>> Services Technology Incubation Center
>> rpapi...@cisco.com
>> Phone: +1 512 340 3377
>> <0B65E9AA-485A-49EE-9FB4-8600F4D55880[28].png>
>> From: Matt Burgess <mattyb...@gmail.com>
>> Reply-To: "users@nifi.apache.org" <users@nifi.apache.org>
>> Date: Monday, June 13, 2016 at 8:26 PM
>> To: "users@nifi.apache.org" <users@nifi.apache.org>
>> Subject: Re: Writing files to MapR File system using putHDFS
>> Sumo,
>> I'll try the MapR PR with your additional settings below. If they work, 
>> they'll need to be added to the doc (or ideally, the profile if possible). 
>> That's what I suspected had been missing but haven't had a chance to try 
>> yet, will do that shortly :)
>> Thanks,
>> Matt
>> On Jun 13, 2016, at 9:17 PM, Sumanth Chinthagunta <xmlk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I had been using custom build nifi-hadoop-libraries-nar-0.6.1.nar that 
>>> worked with MapR 4.02
>>> make sure you add java.security.auth.login.config and follow mapR client 
>>> setup on the NiFi server 
>>> (https://github.com/xmlking/mapr-nifi-hadoop-libraries-bundle/blob/master/mapr-client.md)
>>> $NIFI_HOME/conf/bootstrap.conf
>>> java.arg.15=-Djava.security.auth.login.config=/opt/mapr/conf/mapr.login.conf
>>> I just build Nar with MapR 2.7.0-mapr-1602 libs. I haven’t tested with MapR 
>>> 5.1 but you can try and let us know. 
>>> Hadoop bundle for NiFi v0.6.1 and MapR 2.7.0-mapr-1602
>>> https://github.com/xmlking/mapr-nifi-hadoop-libraries-bundle/releases
>>> -Sumo
>>>> On Jun 13, 2016, at 5:57 PM, Bryan Bende <bbe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I'm not sure if this would make a difference, but typically the 
>>>> configuration resources would be the full paths to core-site.xml and 
>>>> hdfs-site.xml. Wondering if using those instead of yarn-site.xml changes 
>>>> anything.
>>>>> On Monday, June 13, 2016, Ravi Papisetti (rpapiset) <rpapi...@cisco.com> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Yes, Aldrin. Tried listHDFS, gets the similar error complaining directory 
>>>>> doesn't exist.
>>>>> NiFi – 0.6.1
>>>>> MapR – 5.1
>>>>> NiFi is local standalone instance. Target cluster is enabled with token 
>>>>> based authentication. I am able to execute "hadoop fs –ls <path>" from 
>>>>> cli on the node with NiFi installed.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Ravi Papisetti
>>>>> Technical Leader
>>>>> Services Technology Incubation Center
>>>>> rpapi...@cisco.com
>>>>> Phone: +1 512 340 3377
>>>>> <0B65E9AA-485A-49EE-9FB4-8600F4D55880[22].png>
>>>>> From: Aldrin Piri <aldrinp...@gmail.com>
>>>>> Reply-To: "users@nifi.apache.org" <users@nifi.apache.org>
>>>>> Date: Monday, June 13, 2016 at 6:24 PM
>>>>> To: "users@nifi.apache.org" <users@nifi.apache.org>
>>>>> Subject: Re: Writing files to MapR File system using putHDFS
>>>>> Hi Ravi,
>>>>> Could you provide some additional details in terms of both your NiFi 
>>>>> environment and the MapR destination?
>>>>> Is your NiFi a single instance or clustered?  In the case of the latter, 
>>>>> is security established for your ZooKeeper ensemble? 
>>>>> Is your target cluster Kerberized?  What version are you running?  Have 
>>>>> you attempted to use the List/GetHDFS processors?  Do they also have 
>>>>> errors in reading? 
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> --aldrin
>>>>>> On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 5:19 PM, Ravi Papisetti (rpapiset) 
>>>>>> <rpapi...@cisco.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks Conrad for your reply.
>>>>>> Yes, I have configured putHDFS with "Remove Owner" and "Renive Group" 
>>>>>> with same values as on HDFS. Also, nifi service is started under the 
>>>>>> same user.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Ravi Papisetti
>>>>>> Technical Leader
>>>>>> Services Technology Incubation Center
>>>>>> rpapi...@cisco.com
>>>>>> Phone: +1 512 340 3377
>>>>>> <0B65E9AA-485A-49EE-9FB4-8600F4D55880[21].png>
>>>>>> From: Conrad Crampton <conrad.cramp...@secdata.com>
>>>>>> Reply-To: "users@nifi.apache.org" <users@nifi.apache.org>
>>>>>> Date: Monday, June 13, 2016 at 4:01 PM
>>>>>> To: "users@nifi.apache.org" <users@nifi.apache.org>
>>>>>> Subject: Re: Writing files to MapR File system using putHDFS
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> Sounds like a permissions problem. Have you set the Remote Owner and 
>>>>>> Remote Groups settings in the processor appropriate for HDFS permissions?
>>>>>> Conrad
>>>>>> From: "Ravi Papisetti (rpapiset)" <rpapi...@cisco.com>
>>>>>> Reply-To: "users@nifi.apache.org" <users@nifi.apache.org>
>>>>>> Date: Monday, 13 June 2016 at 21:25
>>>>>> To: "users@nifi.apache.org" <users@nifi.apache.org>, 
>>>>>> "d...@nifi.apache.org" <d...@nifi.apache.org>
>>>>>> Subject: Writing files to MapR File system using putHDFS
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> We just started exploring apache nifi for data onboarding into MapR 
>>>>>> distribution. Have configured putHDFS with yarn-site.xml from on local 
>>>>>> mapr client where cluster information is provided, configured the 
>>>>>> "Directory" with mapr fs directory to write the files, configured nifi 
>>>>>> to run as user has permission to write to mapr fs, inspie of that we are 
>>>>>> getting below error while writing the file into given file system path. 
>>>>>> I am doubting, nifi is not talking to the cluster or talking with wrong 
>>>>>> user, appreciate if you some can guide me to troubleshoot this issue or 
>>>>>> any solutions if we are doing something wrong:
>>>>>> Nifi workflow is very simple: GetFile is configure to read from locla 
>>>>>> file system, connected to PutHDFS with yarn-site.xml and directory 
>>>>>> information configured.
>>>>>> 2016-06-13 15:14:36,305 INFO [Timer-Driven Process Thread-2] 
>>>>>> o.apache.nifi.processors.hadoop.PutHDFS 
>>>>>> PutHDFS[id=07abcfaa-fa8d-496b-81f0-b1b770672719] Kerberos relogin 
>>>>>> successful or ticket still valid
>>>>>> 2016-06-13 15:14:36,324 ERROR [Timer-Driven Process Thread-2] 
>>>>>> o.apache.nifi.processors.hadoop.PutHDFS 
>>>>>> PutHDFS[id=07abcfaa-fa8d-496b-81f0-b1b770672719] Failed to write to HDFS 
>>>>>> due to java.io.IOException: /app/DataAnalyticsFramework/catalog/nifi 
>>>>>> could not be created: java.io.IOException: 
>>>>>> /app/DataAnalyticsFramework/catalog/nifi could not be created
>>>>>> 2016-06-13 15:14:36,330 ERROR [Timer-Driven Process Thread-2] 
>>>>>> o.apache.nifi.processors.hadoop.PutHDFS
>>>>>> java.io.IOException: /app/DataAnalyticsFramework/catalog/nifi could not 
>>>>>> be created
>>>>>>         at 
>>>>>> org.apache.nifi.processors.hadoop.PutHDFS.onTrigger(PutHDFS.java:238) 
>>>>>> ~[nifi-hdfs-processors-0.6.1.jar:0.6.1]
>>>>>>         at 
>>>>>> org.apache.nifi.processor.AbstractProcessor.onTrigger(AbstractProcessor.java:27)
>>>>>>  [nifi-api-0.6.1.jar:0.6.1]
>>>>>>         at 
>>>>>> org.apache.nifi.controller.StandardProcessorNode.onTrigger(StandardProcessorNode.java:1059)
>>>>>>  [nifi-framework-core-0.6.1.jar:0.6.1]
>>>>>>         at 
>>>>>> org.apache.nifi.controller.tasks.ContinuallyRunProcessorTask.call(ContinuallyRunProcessorTask.java:136)
>>>>>>  [nifi-framework-core-0.6.1.jar:0.6.1]
>>>>>>         at 
>>>>>> org.apache.nifi.controller.tasks.ContinuallyRunProcessorTask.call(ContinuallyRunProcessorTask.java:47)
>>>>>>  [nifi-framework-core-0.6.1.jar:0.6.1]
>>>>>>         at 
>>>>>> org.apache.nifi.controller.scheduling.TimerDrivenSchedulingAgent$1.run(TimerDrivenSchedulingAgent.java:123)
>>>>>>  [nifi-framework-core-0.6.1.jar:0.6.1]
>>>>>>         at 
>>>>>> java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:471) 
>>>>>> [na:1.7.0_101]
>>>>>>         at 
>>>>>> java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.runAndReset(FutureTask.java:304) 
>>>>>> [na:1.7.0_101]
>>>>>>         at 
>>>>>> java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$301(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:178)
>>>>>>  [na:1.7.0_101]
>>>>>>         at 
>>>>>> java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:293)
>>>>>>  [na:1.7.0_101]
>>>>>>         at 
>>>>>> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145)
>>>>>>  [na:1.7.0_101]
>>>>>>         at 
>>>>>> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:615)
>>>>>>  [na:1.7.0_101]
>>>>>>         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) [na:1.7.0_101]
>>>>>> Appreciate any help.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Ravi Papisetti
>>>>>> Technical Leader
>>>>>> Services Technology Incubation Center
>>>>>> rpapi...@cisco.com
>>>>>> Phone: +1 512 340 3377
>>>>>> <image001.png>
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