It appears to me that that, unlike what happened in NiFi 0.x, in 1.x when I look at controller services via the General menu -> Controller Services, what I see is totally different from what I see when I configure controller services for a processor.

If I use the General menu to set up my controller services, I do not see nor am I given the option of using them in particular for processors I'm configuring. Instead, I appear to get a "Process Group Configuration and a list of controller services which are not the ones I'm looking for (because when I set them up, I gave them "special" names or renamed names I could recognize apart from any other use).

Note: I'm more of a processor and controller service author than an experienced user of NiFi, so I may just be hopelessly confused.

My question is what's the point of being able to configure controller services "globally" or "generally" if you can't reach them when you need them?

Please confirm that I'm not just smoking funny weed and that this is different, in fact, from how it worked in 0.7.1.


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