
So we learned some....but not enough there.

This snippet of code:

  def init(context) {
       mapCacheClient =         

The problem seems to get that the "getProperty().asControllerService()" set
of methods will only work on a ProcessorContext context object, and the one
we have here is actually a ControllerServiceInitializationContext.  So
"getProperty()" doesn't work.  The ControllerServiceInitializationContext
does have a "getProperties()" method that returns a Map but we have not been
able to get the "asControllerService" method to return a valid controller
service.  In everything we tried, it just returns a null.

This appears to be a difference in how a controller service is initialized
and how a processor is initialized.  We have not found any specific
documentation on the controller service process, are you aware of anything?

Any further hints here?  What are we missing?


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