The formatting got a bit wonky on the code snippet you provided, but
if your GroovyRecordSetWriterFactory extends
AbstractControllerService, it should have access to the getProperty()
method. Try without the context, just

On Mon, Aug 24, 2020 at 4:56 PM davide <> wrote:
> Matt,
> So we learned some....but not enough there.
> This snippet of code:
>   @Override
>   def init(context) {
>        mapCacheClient =
> context.getProperty(CACHE_CLIENT).asControllerService(DistributedMapCacheClient)
> The problem seems to get that the "getProperty().asControllerService()" set
> of methods will only work on a ProcessorContext context object, and the one
> we have here is actually a ControllerServiceInitializationContext.  So
> "getProperty()" doesn't work.  The ControllerServiceInitializationContext
> does have a "getProperties()" method that returns a Map but we have not been
> able to get the "asControllerService" method to return a valid controller
> service.  In everything we tried, it just returns a null.
> This appears to be a difference in how a controller service is initialized
> and how a processor is initialized.  We have not found any specific
> documentation on the controller service process, are you aware of anything?
> Any further hints here?  What are we missing?
> Dave
> --
> Sent from:

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