On Sep 16, 2008, at 3:42 AM, Andreas Karalus wrote:

Hi David,

thank you for your hint, I tried this, but still got exception:
In the code for intialisation of openejb:

initialContext.bind("java:operativDS", new

In the test Code:
// this is ok
DataSource operativDS = (DataSource)

// this one fails, but this is the lookup I need
DataSource operativDS = (DataSource)

So is there a possibility to bind directly to java: and not to java:openejb?
It seems to me like java:openejb is kind of hardcoded?

Right, internally we depend on things being at a known place (java:openejb). We could bind things to additional places but we will still need to maintain the java:openejb namespace. The use of LinkRef should allow you to have all the extra JNDI names you need, we just need to figure out what might be happening.

Is it possible you can post the complete initialization stacktrace as long as some sample code that shows how you are constructing the InitialContext you are using to do the binding/lookup?


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