I have this scenario:

1. EJB Module deployed in apps folder ex: MyEJB.java is a stateless EJB
and doesn't implement any interface.
2. Web app (JSF+EJB) deployed in webapps folder.
3. All in the same server

When i want to lookup an EJB from any managedbean i do this:

String lookUp = "java:global/myEJBModuleName/MyEJB!com.test.MyEJB";
MyEJB myObject = (MyEJB) InitialContext.doLookup(lookUp);

And it works.

But when i try to do the same (lookup, same code above) inside of any EJB
that resides in my webapp i always get a

Debuging my project i can see the nex:

When i iterate from any managedbean, i can see my EJB Module, but when i do
the same from an EJB (that is located in webapp) i cant.

//This only works when i execute it from managedbean but not in an EJB
(from my webapp)
        InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
        NamingEnumeration<NameClassPair> list2 =
        while (list2.hasMore()) {
            NameClassPair next = list2.next();

Why i cant find my ejbmodule from EJB that is residing in my webapp??? Do i
have to do something different in EJB?

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