As a note you recommend to me to drop my jar file to apps and to lib.

Do you have any other advice?

2012/12/15 José Luis Cetina <>

> I have 3 different's webapps and each of them need the same EJB's, i dont
> want to deploy as ear because when i have to some change in one webapp i
> will have to deploy the ear entirely, am i okay?
> When the fix will be in repo??
> 2012/12/15 Romain Manni-Bucau <>
>> ok got it
>> first before going through your sample your deployment id broken
>> (deployment the same class in lib + apps hoping it will be the same
>> localbean is assured with no guarantee (it works by side effect).
>> That's said i don't get why an ear is a pain since you have to restart
>> the container whatever the part of the app your update, no?
>> then i don't understand why it doesn't work for you? it works for me :p
>> ok ok, joking (
>> then the issue was pretty easy: EJB have their own jndi context while
>> all other beans uses the webapp one and in the webapp one global is
>> merged
>> Honestly i'm not sure it is a bug regarding JavaEE 6 or not (IIRC
>> global names can be local to an app :s)
>> but in all cases it should work now (since i find it more or less
>> logical as usage)
>> hope it doesn't break any TCK otherwise i'll need to revert it
>> Romain Manni-Bucau
>> Twitter: @rmannibucau
>> Blog:
>> LinkedIn:
>> Github:
>> 2012/12/15 José Luis Cetina <>:
>> > Hi Romain here is the example:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Inside of the zip you will see 2 maven projects, 1 is a ejbmodule (jar)
>> and
>> > the other a webapp module with servlets.
>> >
>> > If i do a lookup from servlet to my ejb this works, but if a call an ejb
>> > (ejb module) from another ejb in my webapp this not work, you can see
>> the
>> > example.
>> >
>> > I copy my ejb module jar to apps and lib then i deploy my webapp to
>> test.
>> >
>> > Thanks, i dont know what is happend
>> >
>> >
>> > 2012/12/15 Romain Manni-Bucau <>
>> >
>> >> Hi,
>> >>
>> >> can you share a sample please (with a servlet to show it "doesnt
>> work")?
>> >>
>> >> Romain Manni-Bucau
>> >> Twitter: @rmannibucau
>> >> Blog:
>> >> LinkedIn:
>> >> Github:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> 2012/12/15 José Luis Cetina <>:
>> >> > I have this scenario:
>> >> >
>> >> > 1. EJB Module deployed in apps folder ex: is a stateless
>> EJB
>> >> > and doesn't implement any interface.
>> >> > 2. Web app (JSF+EJB) deployed in webapps folder.
>> >> > 3. All in the same server
>> >> >
>> >> > When i want to lookup an EJB from any managedbean i do this:
>> >> >
>> >> > String lookUp = "java:global/myEJBModuleName/MyEJB!com.test.MyEJB";
>> >> > MyEJB myObject = (MyEJB) InitialContext.doLookup(lookUp);
>> >> >
>> >> > And it works.
>> >> >
>> >> > But when i try to do the same (lookup, same code above) inside of
>> any EJB
>> >> > that resides in my webapp i always get a
>> >> > NameNotFoundException.
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > Debuging my project i can see the nex:
>> >> >
>> >> > When i iterate from any managedbean, i can see my EJB Module, but
>> when i
>> >> do
>> >> > the same from an EJB (that is located in webapp) i cant.
>> >> >
>> >> > //This only works when i execute it from managedbean but not in an
>> EJB
>> >> > (from my webapp)
>> >> >         InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
>> >> >         NamingEnumeration<NameClassPair> list2 =
>> >> > ctx.list("java:global/myEJBModuleName");
>> >> >         while (list2.hasMore()) {
>> >> >             NameClassPair next =;
>> >> >             System.out.println(next.getName());
>> >> >         }
>> >> >
>> >> > Why i cant find my ejbmodule from EJB that is residing in my
>> webapp???
>> >> Do i
>> >> > have to do something different in EJB?
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > -------------------------------------------------------------------
>> > *SCJA. José Luis Cetina*
>> > -------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> *SCJA. José Luis Cetina*
> -------------------------------------------------------------------

*SCJA. José Luis Cetina*

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