On Mon, Jul 23, 2007 at 02:00:09PM +0100, Joanne Cook wrote:
> Does it also assume that the page you are calling it from is in the directory 
> above lib? 

No, it shouldn't. If it does, that's a bug. I'd like to see it filed if 
you can make an HTML page available on the web which demonstrates it.  

> Mine is not, and it doesn't work. I have copied the img folder into the same 
> directory as the page I am calling from (the root directory of my web server) 
> and that seems to work. 
> Can I remove some of the stuff from the openlayers directories to save space 
> now?

With a single file build, only the img/, theme/ and OpenLayers.js files
matter -- everything else (art/, build/, doc/, examples/, tests/,
tools/) can be deleted.

You might want to investigate HTTP Compression, especially if the images
you are serving are not jpgs:


via mod_gzip through apache.

Christopher Schmidt
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