Your message is not clear if your blank pages are in Writer or the printed output. If the latter, another cause may be when jumping to another right or left page from the same page style. Writer inserts a blank page to make that jump. See also Printer Options -> Other -> Print Automatically Inserted Blank Pages. This happens if you are on a left page for example and insert a manual page break with a style that starts on a left page. Then, a blank right page will be inserted to get to that new left page. This usually shows your page numbers jumping by 2 but not a blank page in Writer itself. I would expect the preview would show the blank page, however, since it is displaying what the printed output would be.
Hope this helps
Girvin Herr

Klaus Muth wrote:
There two main reasons to have blank pages:
1. Invisible content: Use View/Nonprinting Charakters (Ctrl-F10), look
   for whitespace characters and delete them
2. Manual page breaks: you see a dashed line between the last page and
   the blank page. Click on last page and hit backspace until the blank
   page disappeares.

Am 11.03.2013 21:31, schrieb Gary Beers:
How do you delete blank pages,  My document has 3 pages, and one is blank when 
previewed and I cant get rid of it.
Gary Beers

Freundliche Grüße

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