yes, voting is how you officially indicate your interest

On 05/23/2014 03:39 AM, Helen wrote:
I'd love the reveal codes feature -- didn't know there was a vote until I
ran across this.

On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 8:17 AM, Andrew Douglas Pitonyak <> wrote:

On 05/19/2014 06:11 AM, japples wrote:

So far, this conversation boils down to:  use only styles which requires
casual users to travel the steep learning curve to enable their use and
possibility of creating conflicts with other style rules or show
consideration to the casual user and provide a reveal code feature which is
cleaner / more direct and does not have potential of creating conflicts.

That is the preferred way of using the product, but it does not negate the
need for the feature. It does, however, possibly make it more difficult to
implement. I think that the real problem is that it requires a
knowledgeable person (as in someone who would be able to code the solution)
to care enough to choose to do it. This is, after all, community developed
software. So, the trick is to convince a particular person to spend time /
energy on that particular feature. In this case, it means that the feature
must be first designed, since a design does not exist, and, the general
usage pattern is sufficiently different, that it is not obvious to me that
saying "copy from WP" is sufficient.

Finding someone that cares enough to actually implement really is the
hardest part. The product has many users, but, I only see 25 people on the
CC list for the enhancement request and only 201 votes for implementation.

So, if one talented person cares enough to do it, it will happen.
Otherwise, I suppose that sufficient people need to vote for the feature.
WIth as many users as exist, only finding 201 people who want it enough to
put one of their "votes" towards it in over 10 years feels a little
spartan. Perhaps the problem is that the people that want it do not know
that they can vote for it. I will admit, however, that I don't have a
handle on how many votes it would require to push it up the list, and I
lack the time right now to check to see where it stands relative to other
requests. I do see that most people that voted put two of their votes
towards it.

Compared to using wysiwyg web page creator without ability to view code.
  Styles does nothing to correct skewed page; however, viewing the codes is
a very helpful tool.


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