I often have to do that with Italian accented letters - my simplistic approach is to keep a reference file with all accented (or otherwise modified) letters, which I copy and paste in the "Replace with" field. This doesn't take as long as I would need for a macro... but then I am not a programmer, and I need a real KISS solution :-)


On 27/9/14 at 6:12 PM, lbrt...@gmail.com (Albretch Mueller) wrote:

Most of the times I type in English so I don't need to worry about
accented characters

Sometimes I need to write up or edit text in Spanish or German, so I
need to be able to replace accented characters at once.

After marking them up with ticks next/right to the character you can
search all of them with the regex:


but then, how do you replace them all at once (each correspondingly) by:

(á, é, í, ó, ú, ü, ñ, ¿, ¡, Á, É, Í, Ó, Ú, Ü, Ñ)

A'lgebra I: ?'Do'nde encuentro una gui'a de te'rminos Matema'ticos
u'nicos para el an~o?

Should become at once:

Álgebra I: ¿Dónde encuentro una guía de términos Matemáticos únicos
para el año?

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