Thanks Rory and Alexandro for the help.
In regards to Alexandro's link, I am concern about the age of the information. This web page talks about VS2003, and we are now developing using VS2013, 2003 in computer time is the right after the extinction of the dinosaurs and I certainly hope that OOo has evolved since. At the same time I'm concern that the information on that page might not be accurate to modern times and therefore throw me in a spin that will not only discourage me, but that will also give me the wrong impression of what OOo can and cannot do. Nonetheless, thanks so much for your help, intention is what really counts. As of Rory, I have been reading your link and I am glad how nice OOo interfaces with C++/C, but I wonder if you can point out a HOWTO tutorial or at least something that *shows hot to write a simple hello line in Write using c++ or a simple output to a spreadsheet or database. Thanks a lot to the two of you, I'll keep reading the web pages provided, for I know that something good will come out it.

-----Original Message----- From: Alexandro Colorado
Sent: Friday, March 6, 2015 10:00 AM
Subject: Re: and C++

OpenOffice is written in C++ and there are many programming areas to create
plugins in C++ as well as others. This website is a bit outdated but is a
good area to look around for snippets and things.

From Addons, AddIn, IDL (Libraries), with UNO (AOO API).

On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 6:49 AM, Rory O'Farrell <> wrote:

On Fri, 6 Mar 2015 06:41:50 -0500
"ArbolOne" <> wrote:

> Is there a website that provides information about interfacing C++ with
> I would like to interface with suite.

Start at

Rory O'Farrell <>

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Alexandro Colorado
Apache OpenOffice Contributor
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