Hello AOO Users & Advisors,

For years I've routinely read reports from Open Office Users about various problems.  Many are generally attributed to having shut down one's computer too quickly, before shut down processes have been completed.

I've used OO and AOO for many years, both on Windows based computers and on MacBook Pros.  I've never experienced *this* type of problem.  I attribute that good fortune to three things:

 * Use of Uninterruptible Power Supplies with Desktop Computers.
 * Use of Laptop Computers which have immunity to power loss due to
   their internal batteries.
 * Very deliberate shut down processes:
     o Quit the Running Applications (at least all which involve my
       user data)
     o Log out of whatever LogIn Accounts have been in use (generally
       just one)
     o Shutdown the computer

I think that AC Power Failures which cause sudden shutdowns are the cause of many AOO Problems.

Should the AOO Installation site STRONGLY recommend the use of Uninterruptible power Supplies with non-laptop computers?

Users might be unhappy with paying for UPSes, but they are a small expense relative to the pain of serious data loss and corruption of profiles.

               Tom Panfil
           eBureaucrat (Ret.)
Congressmen should wear uniforms like NASCAR
drivers to identify their corporate sponsors
**m-2015-mbp-15******general_user*******fm** *

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