G. Roderick Singleton wrote:
On Fri, 2005-04-08 at 19:32 -0500, Peter Kupfer wrote:

G. Roderick Singleton wrote:

On Thu, 2005-04-07 at 11:21 -0700, Barry Vogel wrote:

Hi when i first save my work and then add more text or data in writer it won't let me save in samefile name. I have to save it under different file name.

I find this to be very irritating.

Barry J. Vogel

I am sure you do. Please talk to your vendor as I do not recognize the product you have.

This has been covered like 50 times in this list. Perfect Pro Office is Open Office along with a lot of other things. It is OOo!

If a company take the product and re-labels it, it is the re-labeler's
responsibility to take care of their customers. Cosmi has its own
support department for Perfect whatever.

If you wish to give unpaid support to these companies, go ahead but do
not expect others to be so generous. I mean $30 for what costs no more
than $5 including the packaging.

I understand your point, I guess I am not that bitter at these companies. Some yes, I have mentioned one in particular that I think is very bad.

Two responses:

1) All of the support or you give anyways is unpaid. I don't differentiate between someone who bought the product at the store or someone who downloaded it. As I have mentioned, I learned of OOo through Platinum Perfect Pro Office, if I had come to list and been told that I can't get help because I bought the software instead of downloading it, I probably would have just say screw this and stopped using it.

I mean if someone who has dial up or only has access at a public terminal buys OOo through Cosmi you won't help them, but if they d/l the exact same thing you do help them? What is that? You are discriminating against people who don't have the ability to download the software.

Do you ask every user you help where they got the software or if they have donated time or money to OOo?

2) Who cares where they got it. If we help them now, perhaps they will download the newest version. I bet, speaking from experience, most people don't really under stand what OSS is or that they can download OOo for free. It is a tough concept to get your head around (I equate to the concept that the universe is constantly expanding at the speed of light outward, I mean what is it expanding into?). OSS is an unusual beast.

However, if we help these people they will probably join us and become productive and useful members of our community. Or, if nothing else, they will spread the good word. Of the $30 that person paid, I doubt that Cosmi is making a huge profit. They have manufacture, ship, develop, and do a lot of other things. Then consider Office Depot's markup, they are not viscous criminals, but they are a business and they have to make money in order to keep going.

Just my $.02. I guess I am in the minority here.
Peter Kupfer -- Using OOo since 'OO4

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