2008/9/11 mike moller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Thanks Henri
> I wasn't aware of the Google route to acquiring StarOffice however the
> limitation of not going back past XP ticks me off (same limitation
> applies to their new Chrome browser too I see) I'm a long time W2k
> user and it has in fact been these XP and later issues that have
> caused me to start looking at non-Windows platforms. As a retiree
> after 45 years in the IT industry during which I have brought more
> than enough business to M$ through recommendations to my customers I'm
> just not about to spend another single cent on Microsoft's products
> :-)
> cheers
> --
> Mike Moller
> Lallybroch Alpacas
> New Zealand
> www.lallybroch.co.nz
> On 9/11/08, M Henri Day <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 2008/9/11 mike moller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >  > Hi HenriK
> >
> >
> >  <snip>
> >
> >
> >
> >  > 8. There is an add-on for OOBase called Sun Report Builder (aka srb)
> >  > which shows promise and although released still has some way to go
> >  > before getting full functionality to match Reports in Access
> >  >
> >  > There is another path I haven't explored which is to use Sun's
> >  > equivalent to OOo, StarOffice - it's not entirely free but I
> >  > understand it does include a VBA capability.
> >
> >
> >
> > Mike, note that StarOffice is available for free via Google Pack (which,
> >  alas, itself is only available for XP or Vista boxes)....
> >
> >
> >  Henri

Mike, I fully understand your ambition ! I am far from possessing your
expertise, but allow me to mention that my experience with Ubuntu has been
very good indeed, and that I am now starting to mention this platform to my
retirees as an excellent alternative to such Windows platforms as XP and in
particular, Vista, which demands so much of one's hardware....


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