2008/9/13 Marc BOOSZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hello,
> With the 2.4.1 version of Open Office, it is not possible to save
> spreadsheets with a password;
> This is an important disadvantage of Open Office in comparison to Microsoft
> Excel.
> I hope that version  3.0 of Open Office will correct this problem and
> enable to save spreadsheets with a password.
I have saved spreadsheets with password since OpenOffice.org 1.0.3. It has
worked perfectly every time.

On this list, maybe one or two years ago, there was a discussion about how
safe the passwords are. Someone found some software that could crack
OpenOffice.org- and MS Office passwords. Someone on this list tried it but
after several days the software still was trying to figure the (simple)
password out…


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