NoOp wrote:
On 09/13/2008 03:57 AM, Marc BOOSZ wrote:
Hello, With the 2.4.1 version of Open Office, it is not possible to
save spreadsheets with a password; This is an important disadvantage
of Open Office in comparison to Microsoft Excel. I hope that version
3.0 of Open Office will correct this problem and enable to save
spreadsheets with a password.

The Microsoft algorithm to encrypt/decrypt passwords in their files are
proprietary; hence OOo cannot possibly (well legally) save an xls file
with a password or include an the same algorithm to open a password
saved MS Office document.

That said, it does little good to even try as the encryption/decryption
in MS Office is pretty weak + there are so many programs available to
crack Office passwords that it's hardly worth the effort. You'd have
better protection by simply putting the xls in a zip file and password
protecting the zip. Better yet, us standard OOo file format & use the
password protection provided with that.

Since OO files are zipped, does it use the zip encryption or other?

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