2008/9/24 Angus Reid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I have recently installed openoffice.org on my Intel Mac X 10.4.11.  I
> find that it does not meet my needs so wish to uninstall it.  If I drag any
> aspect of it to Trash I get a message saying that I do not have sufficient
> privileges - not true, I am the sole Administrator and sole user and
> installed it as such.  I cannot eject the OpenOffice.org disk symbol on my
> desk top (it says that Openoffice.org is in use - not as far as I can see),
> nor get rid of the 00o_2.4.1 MacOSXIntel_install_en-US.dmg file on my
> desktop
> How do I uninstall the program?
> Regards
> Angus Reid

Hello Angus,

We're always interested to know what people don't like about OpenOffice.org.
We like it and want to help improve it...
Your problem is more an issue for Apple. I propose you do a restart and try
again to get rid of the dmg and the installed program. You can use a
cleaning program, or simply Spotlight to locate and trash parts of OOo.
There's the OOo folder in Applications, and another OOo folder in the
Library/Application Support. If you want to trash X11 too (although that is
needed for other programs you might use, like the Gimp), it sits in

using dutch OOo Aqua 3.0.0 RC2 on a iMac Intel DualCore Tiger
and brazilian OOo Aqua 3.0.0 RC2 on an Intel MacBook Pro Leopard
-- please reply only to users@openoffice.org --
Dodoes can't afford to have headaches

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