On 1 Oct 2008 at 9:56, JOE Conner wrote:

> mike scott wrote:
> > On 1 Oct 2008 at 9:45, Harold Fuchs wrote:
> > <<SNIP>>
> > Don't forget the stylist (F11) can load styles into an existing 
> > document from a variety of places - you don't have to start by 
> > opening a suitable template to create your document. I confess I've 
> > not tried it, but the drop-down box in the top right of the stylist 
> > offers a "load styles" option, which in turn gives a variety of 
> > places to load from, including as well as normal odf files (& I'm  
> > surprised to see it!) an MS Word template
> This would be perfect, if only, the style can be saved as a file by 
> itself.  All my searching has
> only yielded that I can save a template which includes a style, but not 
> just the style by itself.
> Joe Conner, Poulsbo, WA USA

A silly question, but /exactly/ what do you mean by "save a style as 
a file by itself"? What are you expecting to have? What are you 
trying to actually achieve by having "a style as a file"?

Sorry, I'm not trying to be picky, but if we understand properly what 
you want to achieve we might be able to help better. At present, it 
seems (to me) that your needs are served by the 'load styles' option.

AIUI, styles exist in two places within the ODF zip document - inside 
the zip file there's a styles.xml component, and more styles can be 
defined on-the-fly as it were in the main part, content.xml. I doubt 
very much that you'd find just a lone styles.xml file of much use. A 
"template" is, basically, just the styles you want packaged up and 
ready to go. What can you do with a "naked" style file that can't be 
done with one properly clothed? :-)

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