At 18:42 01/10/2008 -0700, Joe Conner wrote:
I was trying to make a landscape style available within Calc. I did not want to recreate a style everytime I opened a new document. I still cannot get the landscape style available in a new document in the F11 choices.

As far as I know, the only styles you will see in a new document the moment you create it are the standard ones - those defined automatically within OpenOffice - and any that are in the template used to create the document. So the only ways that you will see your personal styles then are either: (1) always to create new documents by double-clicking the template file, either outside OpenOffice or in File | New > | Templates and Documents or File | Open... if it is saved elsewhere, or
(2)  by setting the template to be your default template.

To set a template as default:
o  Create or open the template.
o Go to File | Templates > | Save..., give the template a name and save it - probably in My Templates. o Go to File | Templates > | Organize... and browse to and select the template.
o  Press Commands | Set As Default Template.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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