2008/10/4 H. S. Rai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Is there some way to prepare documents and presentations which look
> same across various platforms?
> I suggested my students to use OpenOffice on Linux in order to avoid
> proprietary fonts. But when we open files on MSwindows, they show
> disturbed layout.
> Is it not OO have same (may be some) common fonts on all platforms?
> Is it not possible, OO give warning about missing font and guide user
> to download font?
> I will feel obliged, if get tip to prepare documents and presentation
> using OO, that look same on different platforms without exporting it
> to pdf.
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> H.S.Rai

H.S. Rai, do you and your students observe these distortions with *all*
fonts, or do some fonts render in the same manner in both the Linux
distrubution(s) you use and in Windows versions ? I can't help suspecting
that what you are experiencing is less a font than a layout problem - when,
for example, a document is to be saved in .doc format in OOo rather than in
the default .odt format, a warning always comes up to the effect that saving
to .doc can result in layout problems....


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