H.S.Rai wrote:
> Is there some way to prepare documents and presentations which look
> same across various platforms?
> I suggested my students to use OpenOffice on Linux in order to avoid
> proprietary fonts. But when we open files on MSwindows, they show
> disturbed layout.
> Is it not OO have same (may be some) common fonts on all platforms?
> Is it not possible, OO give warning about missing font and guide user
> to download font?
> I will feel obliged, if get tip to prepare documents and presentation
> using OO, that look same on different platforms without exporting it
> to pdf.
> Thanks in advance.

IMHO, the safest fonts are Times New Roman and Arial (and perhaps
Helvetica). You can get these fonts on a Linux machine easily. In
Ubuntu, the package is called msttcorefonts.

In any case, the most common fonts in students' report is Times or Times
New Roman. If your students stick with these, I don't think you should
face any problems.

So to see what is the root case, please verify what fonts are those
documents using.

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