mike scott wrote:
On 4 Oct 2008 at 8:56, Barbara Duprey wrote:

mike scott wrote:
Agreed. I've sent him (directly) info on how to unsubscribe which AFAICT should work even without access to the gmail account. It should appear here too FWIW.

It's a shame in some ways that bounces go back to the list manager not the original sender, or I'd just bounce anything from him at my mail server :-|
I'd be interested to see this info on how to unsubscribe without access to the subscribed account. How does it handle the "goodbye" confirmation message?

It's trivial, but I'm pretty sure ity should work. It does rely on the forwarding being set up and consistent though. I'll cut'n'paste what I said earlier:

"1. In your mail client set your email address to the problem gmail address, and send an unsubscription request to OOo. 1a The list manager will respond to the problem address. 2. Assuming email is being forwarded as you describe, you will receive the confirmation email.
3. Reply to the confirmation email as directed therein.
4. Restore your proper sending address in your mail client."

(and yes, I know some of this could be short-circuited; in particular, I vaguely recall confirmation could be completed via a web link in the copnfirmation email, but may be wrong.)

It /should/ work, no?

Can you do steps 1 through 3 without the password of the problem account? Haven't tried, but if that works, any of us could do it and get rid of this guy. In the past, I've been unable to send or receive mail on an account that was actually mine when the password was changed by the ISP without telling me.

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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