On 4 Oct 2008 at 9:30, Barbara Duprey wrote:
> > It's trivial, but I'm pretty sure ity should work. It does rely on 
> > the forwarding being set up and consistent though. I'll cut'n'paste 
> > what I said earlier:
> >
> > "1. In your mail client set your email address to the problem gmail 
> > address, and send an unsubscription request to OOo. 
> > 1a The list manager will respond to the problem address.
> > 2. Assuming email is being forwarded as you describe, you will 
> > receive the confirmation email.
> > 3. Reply to the confirmation email as directed therein.
> > 4. Restore your proper sending address in your mail client."
> >
> > (and yes, I know some of this could be short-circuited; in 
> > particular, I vaguely recall confirmation could be completed via a 
> > web link in the copnfirmation email, but may be wrong.)
> >
> > It /should/ work, no?
> Can you do steps 1 through 3 without the password of the problem 
> account? Haven't tried, but if that works, any of us could do it and get 
> rid of this guy. In the past, I've been unable to send or receive mail 
> on an account that was actually mine when the password was changed by 
> the ISP without telling me.

I've not (yet) tried unsubscribing.

However, subscription seems to work using that technique, so unnsub 
presumably does too.

More precisely, I've created an account '[EMAIL PROTECTED]', 
forwarded to me, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I sent a subscribe request 
pretending to be 'dummy' - confirmation came to 'mike' and was duly 
responded to as 'dummy'. Seems to have successfully subscribed 
'dummy', as I've just received 2 copies of a test email to the list 
(for the need of which I apologise).

All without access to dummy's actual account - just knowing the 
forwarding is there.

Now to unsub 'dummy' the same way......... I hope :-)

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