On 4 Oct 2008 at 9:43, Russell Butler wrote:

> mike scott wrote:
> > An interesting issue. How would the moderators (or anyone else for 
> > that matter) know that [EMAIL PROTECTED] is genuine, and that 
> > the request to unsub [EMAIL PROTECTED] isn't a service denial 
> > attempt on someone else?
> > 
> > I can't help wondering whether this is a troll anyway - he has been 
> > advised already of a way to unsubscribe even without access to the 
> > gmail account; if he'd tried that and it didn't work, I'd have 
> > thought (hoped, anyway) he'd be saying as much.
> > 
> Actually, although I sent the information on reaching the list manager, 
> he had the OOo list blocked, and I received a bounce, so he wouldn't 
> have seen the message.
> If someone is determined to be difficult it is hard to stop them.

Agreed. I've sent him (directly) info on how to unsubscribe which 
AFAICT should work even without access to the gmail account. It 
should appear here too FWIW.

It's a shame in some ways that bounces go back to the list manager 
not the original sender, or I'd just bounce anything from him at my 
mail server :-|

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]    Mike Scott, Harlow, Essex, England

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