Brad Rogers wrote:
> On Sun, 05 Oct 2008 16:03:53 -0400
> Roy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello Roy,
>> True, it goes to the SUBSCRIBED address and then it is FORWARDED to
>> the FORWARDED address. Unless the person who has the SUBSCRIBED
>> address removes the FORWARD, the confirmation will go to the FORWARDED
>> address and the confirmation can be replied to.
>> No need for password, mimic account, forged email address, list
>> owner's hat size or any OTHER information.
> Yes, the confirm can be replied to, but since the forwarded to address
> is _not_ the subscribed address, any "confirm unsubscribe" response gets
> ignored because that *has* to come from the subscribed address.
> Normally, that's fine as it stops people being unsubbed against their
> will.  However, in a case such as this, where Chuck is receiving
> forwarded mail, he can't unsubscribe.  OTOH, given the puerile nature he
> showed in trying to get off the list, I'm not surprised he's pee'd off
> somebody equally puerile enough to set him up like that.
> Sometimes, I think the worst thing that happened to computers was make
> them affordable.   :-(
As Barbara and I have just proved, it's quite easy to forge a genuine
mail address, when sending email.  She sent one to me, using my address
as the sent address and via her SMTP server.  For example, I could set
up an account pretending to be you and then send you your own reply.

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