On Sat, 08 Nov 2008 03:25:25 -0500
"Keith N. McKenna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> dijo:

> > I'm pretty sure you can't do this in OOo, but I thought I'd ask anyway.
> >
> > Suppose you have pages of text and you want a border along the right
> > edge of the paragraphs that appear on odd numbered pages, and along the
> > left edge of the paragraphs when they appear on an even numbered page.
> >
> > I can do that, but there is a problem. Consider pages 1 and 2. I can
> > put a border on the right side of paragraphs on page 1, and on the left
> > side of the paragraphs on page 2, but what about the paragraph at the
> > bottom of page 1 that continues at the top of page 2? It needs to flip
> > the paragraph border in the middle of the paragraph where the page
> > changes.

>     You may be able to accomplish what you want by using the pre-defined 
> page style of left page and right page. You can modify them to put a 
> border on just one edge. If you start with right page and set left page 
> as the next style for right and right page as the next style for left 
> page page it should alternate as you want irregardless of whether the 
> paragraph continues onto the next page. Since page styles are 
> independent of paragraph styles then a paragraph splitting between pages 
> should make no difference.


Thanks to you and Arnold for the page style suggestion. 

Using right and left page styles does put a border along the margin and
it does alternate from page to page. However, you put your finger on
the problem for me when you said "page styles are independent of
paragraph styles." They certainly are, and I want the border to end at
the end of the text. Many times there will be a graphic or white space
on a page, e.g., no text on the bottom of the page at the end of a
section. In my work this happens on about half the pages. I don't want
the border in those areas. Hence it seems that it has to be a paragraph

In fact the paragraph style works perfectly because the border exists
only where there is text, which is exactly what I want. I can even
define a border paragraph style for paragraphs on odd pages and another
border paragraph style for paragraphs on the even pages. It's not a lot
of work to select all the paragraphs on a page and apply the correct
border paragraph style to them. It's just that darn paragraph that
wraps from the bottom of one page to the top of the next.

Having said that I may have found a solution. I have been experimenting
with frames. By creating frames where I want text and then flowing
(linking) the text through the frames I can have a frame border only in
the areas where I want it. The only problem I have with frames is that
it is kind of difficult to get them positioned where I want them. I'm
going to experiment some more with frame styles. I'm thinking of
creating a style for "frame at the top of the page - odd" with another
"- even," then two more for "frame in the middle of the page - odd" and
"- even." I am hoping to be able to set the position in the style, so I
can just create a frame any old place, apply the style, and the style
will pop the frame to the right location.

The only other problem is that I need to create empty pages to put the
frames on. Doing so is much easier in a page layout app, but the only
one that is available for Linux is Scribus, and it has issues.

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