Twayne wrote:
As a new user to Open Office I have a simple question; how do you
print a single envelope?  I find the envelope printing feature very
poor compared with MS Word.  That program simply transfers the
addressee to the envelope and printing is straight forward.  An
envelope is not necessarily an insert and thus when printing one on
Open Office it either prints the letter on the envelope (!) or pushes
out blank pages before doing the envelope and since you don't know
when it's going to stop doing that you don't know when to put the
envelope in, even if there was time to do that.   It should be
possible to print an envelope on its own as you can with Word. The
Help section is extremely unclear on this subject and your help is

Or direct me to somewhere where I can get the answer to this simple
question, please.

Thank you,  R. Statham
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For some reason envelopes are a bit of a frustration in OO.o and always have been. IMO it's best to practice on plain paper before moving to actual envelopes. And then when you get one that's working well, save it as a template so you'll have it for later use and not have to design it each time. Best I can tell, OO.o measures things from the bottom of the page up, instead of from the top of the page down, so it gets hard to have one template work for more than one printer for some of them. It's not near as handy as envelope settings in Word, but it will suffice once you get the hang of it. I usually just make the new ones I need as I come across them; the holidays this year were a real PIA<g>.

My 2 ยข,

Attached is a #10 size envelope that works for me. I do not remember where I first got it from.

Joe Conner, Poulsbo, WA USA

Attachment: Bar_Code_Envelope.odt
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

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