On 2009/01/25 6:41 PM  Jean Hollis Weber wrote:
Mohammad Qureshi wrote:
I have installed OO 3 on three different machines that I use frequently. Two
are Mac (imac and Macbookpro) and the other is Windows Vista.

Is there any way to synchronize, add-ons, templates, preferences, etc
between the 3 installations? Is it as simple as copying a directory from on
to another? If so which directory?

You can copy the "user" directory from one machine to another, though I don't know whether you can do this between operating systems.

Look in Tools > Options > OpenOffice.org > Paths to find where the files you want are stored on your computer. I don't know whether add-ons (extensions) are included, or if they need to be handled some other way.

This sounds like a good candidate for the FAQ list!

The following is excerpted from [Tutorial] The OOo user profile <http://user.services.openoffice.org/en/forum/viewtopic.php?f=74&t=12426> on the OpenOffice.org Community Forum <http://user.services.openoffice.org/en/forum/index.php> Most of the files mentioned in Tools>Options>OpenOffice.org>Paths are found in the User Profile, located at : For Mac users: /Users/<user name>/Library/Application Support/OpenOffice.org/3/user
For Windows users:
— Before Vista: \Documents and Settings\<user name>\Application Data\OpenOffice.org\3\user\
— From Vista: \Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\OpenOffice.org\3\user

The user profile has several sub-folders realated to dedicated items:
   * autocorr: table of replacement from Tools>AutoCorrect
   * autotext: your AutoText entries
* backup: backup files if you've activated the feature in Tools>Options>Load/Save>General, Always create a backup copy. Each time you save manually a file, the previous version is saved here (overwriting the former one). So you have the version n-1, n being the current version saved.
   * basic: contains all the macros you've installed
   * config: some configuration files
   * database: registered databases
   * gallery: customized gallery (Tools>Gallery)
   * psprint: used for PDF export I guess
* registry: contains most of the configuration files that could be damaged, especially in /data/org/openoffice/Office subfolder
   * Scripts: no idea
   * store: no idea
   * temp: no idea
* template: where are stored your custom templates (File>Templates>Organize>My Templates) * uno_packages: where are stored the extensions installed for the user only (including the spell checking dictionaries) * wordbook: contains the custom dictionaries (see also the [Tutorial] Spell check and Language configuration)

Larry I. Gusaas
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada
Website: http://larry-gusaas.com
"An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind theirs." - Edgard Varese

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