Siva Moodley wrote:
I was a mad keen Openoffice supporter and told my friends and others
of the programme.  I extolled the its virtues and removed MS from my

However I am not sure that I was wise and should have stayed with
what I had.

In Spreadsheet I cannot format.  I cannot increment except in a very
limited way.  The help is very unhelpful.

I am using Ver 1.1.4.  I also tried Beta 2 sometimes you refer to it
as Ver 1.1.79.  How confusing.  There is no decent book on the
programme.  I bought both Open Office for Dummies and Solveig and
Haughland.  The latter does not deal with the incrementing of my
choice.  Neither deal with incrementing dates.  This is very
important for a Spreadsheet.

Please can you help in some way.  I do not want to go back to MS.

Regards Siva


Cannot format what?  Cells, pages, date formats, numbers?

As for incrementing, again, what is it you want to do? Have you examined the "fill" functions in the Edit menu? They do far more than I find frequent use for. And the date incrementing function is very flexible.

Please be more specific about the problems you're experiencing so we can provide meaningful assistance.


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