In the spirit of co operation that will make OOo the strongest software - please enlighten us on the registry changes you made and their effect so that all using this forum may benefit.

Many thanks

----- Original Message ----- From: "M Henri Day" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2009 4:10 PM
Subject: Re: [users] Solved

2009/3/3 Richard <>

Adam Tauno Williams wrote:

OOo3 is the worst version ever and like Netscape ver 4 a complete disaster
that will loose countless users and loyal supporters.
I am officially removing OOo 3 from my office 7 machines, I have used
OOo since ver 1 but can no longer support its very slow operation, my staff
are complaining bitterly and this is despite upgrades in PC's etc., It
appears no one is capable of answering the reasons for the slow and
unacceptable speeds of opening and closing a file from a file server.
Let all be warned, this ver 3 is a step backwards and mso is becoming
more and more attractive despite its cost as time saved relates to money

The issues I raise are genuine, and frankly this news room has never
solved any major issues I have ever had, you don't provide answers,

Remember the parable of the college student who had one horrible
room-mate after another,  she couldn't get along with any of them.  In
every situation what [or who] was the common denominator?

 because there is no solution or you simply do not know, you are the AH's
for not accepting there is a problem and burying your heads in the sand.
Frustration certainly, and I wonder how many of you have used OOo as long
as I have and how many of you use it in an environment such as mine

I've used it long enough that I paid a German company for my first copy.

 and not just on a single machine?

I've got quite a few users who use it, and not just on a LAN, but over a
WAN that spans three states.

I have been a champion of OOo for more years than most of you have even
used the programme.

(a) You have no idea how long anyone here has been using OOo.  I've been
using StarOffice for years before there was an OpenOffice.  In 2007 your
first post stated you'd been using OOo for 4 - 5 years.  That means you
started in late 2001 at the earliest;  I assure you there are *many*
people here who have been using SO/OOo for much longer [like a decade!]
than you.  It is interesting that your post then was about exactly the
issue you are complaining about now.
(b) Claiming to be a champion is always in poor taste.   A simple Google
search of your e-mail address provides no evidence of such.  And nearly
every single one of your messages is unequivocally negative.  Your
frequent use of profanity doesn't help the case.

 There are serious issues with OOo 3 and that's a fact and NOT ONE OF THE

(a) Why would I even try? Your coming across as an angry jerk.  Pay me
and I might consider putting up with that.  For free? No way.

<constructive and technical>
(b) what diagnostics have you tried?  Did you analyze the traffic to see
what was going on?  Listing the files open on a fileserver is very
trivial admin stuff, and a good place to start.  You've provided nothing
concrete enough to make even the wildest guess.  If it is a Samba server
just do an "smbstatus" and it will list open files.  Also wireshark, or
even etherape, will provide a nice picture of what is going on on the
wire.  I'd suspect this is much more likely to be a network
configuration issue than an application issue.  Different applications
can respond quite differently to subtle network configuration issues -
the fact that you perceive MSO as faster doesn't help [it might just be
shuttling some task into a background thread and generating even more
network I/O than OOo for all we know - unless you check].
</constructive and technical>

(c) Obviously not everyone is having your problem which means the issue
is probably local to your configuration.  See (b) that anyone would need
real information in order to help you.

 MSO on the other hand is fast, same size and type of files, same file
server and same workstations!

"Pay me and I might consider putting up with that" you have no idea what
the problem is hot shot, cause if you did, you would show off about it here.
I am very computer literate and as clearly, only a lot of wind was being
blown here I have in fact, discovered a fix, the file server has remained
unchanged for years and it is OOo specific as word does not behave in the
same manner and after a few changes to the registry I have changed the open,
auto saving, saving and closing of the OOo files to "instant" over the
network, the reg changes though, should not have needed to have been made
and are certainly not at user level.

This thread may possibly have been amusing initially, but didn't it lose its
fraƮcheur quite some time ago ? Perhaps we can let it die a natural death


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