Richard wrote:
OOo3 is the worst version ever and like Netscape ver 4 a complete disaster that will loose countless users and loyal supporters.

I am officially removing OOo 3 from my office 7 machines, I have used OOo since ver 1 but can no longer support its very slow operation, my staff are complaining bitterly and this is despite upgrades in PC's etc., It appears no one is capable of answering the reasons for the slow and unacceptable speeds of opening and closing a file from a file server.

Let all be warned, this ver 3 is a step backwards and mso is becoming more and more attractive despite its cost as time saved relates to money saved.

The issues I raise are genuine, and frankly this news room has never solved any major issues I have ever had, you don't provide answers, because there is no solution or you simply do not know, you are the AH's for not accepting there is a problem and burying your heads in the sand.

Frustration certainly, and I wonder how many of you have used OOo as long as I have and how many of you use it in an environment such as mine and not just on a single machine?

I have been a champion of OOo for more years than most of you have even used the programme. There are serious issues with OOo 3 and that's a fact and NOT ONE OF THE AH's REPLYING HERE CAN GIVE ME AN ANSWER AS TO WHY IT SAVES SLOW ONTO A FILE SERVER and OPENS SLOW FROM A FILE SERVER. MSO on the other hand is fast, same size and type of files, same file server and same workstations!

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