On Sat, Apr 4, 2009 at 19:42, Michael Koh wrote:

> Do you have any software in open office which can replace......
> MS Outlook and MS Frontpage?

As a general rule of thumb, the following are rough equivalents.

* Microsoft Word:               OOo Write;
* Microsoft Excel:              OOo Calc;
* Microsoft Outlook:            Not Available.  Suggested options are
Evolution, Thunderbird with Lightning or Sunbird;
* Microsoft Powerpoint:         Impress;
* Microsoft Access:             OOo Base, dbase clone; Can connect to SQLite,
Oracle, MySQl, PostGress, amongst other database engines;
* Microsoft Infopath:           Not Available; Write (?)
http://openmrs.org/wiki/Creating_Forms_in_OpenOffice describes one
approach to emulating Infopath with OOo as a component.
* Microsoft Visio:              OOo Draw;
* Microsoft Office Picture Manager; Draw (?) dBase template (?) Base
Template (?);
* Microsoft Publisher:          OOo Write; OOo Draw.  For professional
quality DTP use Scribus;
* Microsoft Onenote:            Zotero
* Microsoft Communicator;       Not available: Suggested options are Pidgin;
* Microsoft Interconnector;     Not Available: Suggested options are LAMP;
* Microsoft Frontpage:          OOo HTML Editor, For professional quality web
page creation use NVU, or create by hand;
* Microsoft Groove:             Not available:  If this is P2P, then Azuerues.
Otherwise it probably would be LAMP;
* Microsoft Accounting:         Not available:  Suggested options are
GnuCash, LedgerSMB;
* Microsoft Entourage:          Not Available.  Suggested options are
Evolution, Thunderbird with Lightning or Sunbird;
* Microsoft Binder;             Not available.
* Microsoft Schedule Plus;      OOo template with this functionality is
no longer available. Suggested options are Evolution, Thunderbird with
Lightning or Sunbird;
* Microsoft Mail;               Not Available.  Suggested options are Evolution,
Thunderbird with Lightning or Sunbird;
* Microsoft Visact 2000;        Not available:  Suggested options are The Gimp, 
* Microsoft Photodraw;          OOo Draw; Suggested options are The Gimp;
* Microsoft Picture it;         Ooo Draw; Suggested options are The Gimp;
* Microsoft Expression Web;     Not available: Suggested option: LAMP;
* Microsoft Front page;         OOo Write/HTML Editor;
* Microsoft Sharepoint services;        Not available: Suggested option: LAMP;
* Microsoft Office Assistant;   Available, but so unannoying you won't
register its presence;
* Microsoft Visual Basic        StarBasic, Java, Python, PERL, Ruby, etc, etc, 
* Microsoft Visual Basic Applications   The Extensions Library whatever
marketing decided to call it;
* Equation Editor;              OOo Math;
* Microsoft Project:            OOo template and macros with this functionality
are no longer available;

How compatible these components are depends upon what you use the component for.

OOo can read/write most MSO File formats.
The most significant MSO file formats which OOo can not read/write are
for MSPublisher, and MSBinder;

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