McLauchlan, Kevin wrote:
> From its description, OpenProj can't handle multiple projects (the company Serena is trying to steer us toward their pay-for product "Projects On Demand"). Is that the case?

Our local-office Program Manager has MS Project. In it, she tracks about a dozen products/projects simultaneously, and can show them in relation to each other on stacked GANTT timelines. This is important because many resources are shared among projects. As the writer who does the customer docs for all the projects, I want to see in visual, GANTT format, if sliding project schedules have me writing docs for two different products in the same week (or doing my research and writing at the same time that key engineers are away at a trade show or vacation). I need a project app to go along with OpenOffice (which I use in preference to MS Office whenever I can get away with it...) that can import the MS Project source file and let me see the big GANTT chart that I need to see. Does OpenProj deliver?
Any other open or free or low-cost project planning app?  Also, I use Windows at 
work and Mac at home (I've now relegated my Linux boxes to slow-old-server status 
only - Mac is mostly nicer ;->  )

HI Kevin,

I am not a Project tool user and so really can't help you, but as it is free software, why don't you just download it and try it out? It is that easy. It's a java application so if you have a JVM it should work on Windows, MAC OSX and Linux computers.

FWIW I asked a friend of mine who is a serious PM type dude to review OpenProj quite early on in it's journey (Back in August 2007).

Basically he thought it was the dogs b******s ;-)

The other one you might want to look at is dotproject. This is a web based tool, that is more "collborative" in nature.



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