2009/4/9 Eustace <emf...@gmail.com>

> On 2009-04-08 10:49 M Henri Day wrote:
>> 2009/4/8 Eustace <emf...@gmail.com>
>>  On 2009-04-06 08:47 Eustace wrote:
>>>  I moved the Full Screen button towards the top and it disappeared and an
>>>> inert bar appeared that I think was not there before. How can I make the
>>>> Full Screen button reappear?
>>>> emf
>>>>  I am surprised nobody answered. I hope I made myself clear: when you
>>> use
>>> View > Full Screen, a small button appears which you can click to return
>>> to
>>> normal view. This button you can move around. I moved toward the top of
>>> the
>>> screen and it disappeared, and, I think, a bar that was not there before
>>> appeared (that I think it somehow contains the button which is no
>>> invisible
>>> and unclickable: it only appears momentarily on the bar while returning
>>> to
>>> normal view). Now in the Writer I can return with Esc. In the Calc I have
>>> to
>>> use the shortcut (Ctrl + Shift + J). But I would like to know how I can
>>> return to the original state of affairs, with the Full Screen button...
>>> emf
>> Eustace, I presume you are running a version of OOo (which ?) on a Windows
>> machine (which OS ?). What happens if you try to drag the «bar» that you
>> now
>> see lower down on your screen ? Does the «Full Screen» button now reappear
>> ?...
>> Henri
> OOo3.0.1. Windows XP. The bar is totally inert, undragable.
> emf

Eustace, you might want to consider posting a link to a screenshot, so that
we can see what you see....


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