bg wrote:
I have RTFM, not once but repeated times. I have searched diligently
under "View" (every conceivable choice) "Tools", "Window",
and even "File"/"Wizards". Running FC2, OO-2.

Recently, without as far as I know any action on my part, I have had
the right-hand portion of my Calc screen occupied by what I would
call a "Function Pane". It's nearly 4" wide, runs almost
top to bottom, and has a small window at the very top displaying
the various functions to be used in formulas, such as "SUM" and "MIN".
It really looks like more of a "HELP" artifact than anything else,
because it doesn't actually *do* anything; just provides a description
of the function when you highlight one of them.

I cannot make it go away, and I don't need it, and I need the
Calc screen real estate more.
How do I toggle this thing to "OFF" and banish it?

As I said above, "View" seemed the most obvious, because that's
how we bring up or suppress things like toolbars. But there does
not appear to be anything under the "View" tab that fits, or
that works to toggle this thing off.

Right click on that panel. In the context menu that appears look for one that says close toolbar and click it.
Gene Y.

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