Dotan Cohen wrote:
Thought this might be of interest even if OT.

You might want to see this discussion:

And especially this link:

In summary, OOo ODF documents will not be compatible with MSO ODF
documents. And that's fine: it's be cause of incomplete specifications
on the part of ODF and bugs in OOo.

MSO formats have a reference implementation: MSO itself. ODF has no
reference implementation, and OOo is _not_ a reference implementation
by any means. Due to MSO's foothold in the field, it _may_ be wise for
OOo to follow MSO's example in ODF implementation. That is, to use MSO
as the reference implementation. Thoughts?

So, that would then imply that the OOo and ODF world should go back
over the issue of who has the final say of what the world will/can use
in file formats.  Should we dump ODF for MS's open format that was
pushed through the ISO people.  That would follow MS's lead.  Of course
their lead that states that they pushed for their open format to be
made an ISO, then when it get "certified", MS will not follow the
"Certified" format's specs, since MS does not control those specs.

"Reference Implementation"?
I thought that the specifications were the references used, not how
it looks with some ego tripping company's 600 pound monkey of a
software.  All companies should try to make their product read/view
the ODF format as best as they can from the format's reference/specs/
documentation/etc.  NOT how someone product determination on how they
think it should look.  That would lead us back to one company, one
software, telling the rest of the world to do it our way.  MS tried
that with the .doc and .docx formats and use Word only.  The "world"
came up with the ODF ISO and software like

I do not want MS telling the rest of the world to do it "our" way
or "we" will make nasty things happen to you and yours.

I live in a democracy, not a dictatorship.  We vote the leaders in
and vote them out if we do not like what they are doing.  MS
wants you to "vote" them into your lives, then you will need
a lot of knives to cut the MS threads out of your life.

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