On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 11:38:38 AM -0400, Tim Deaton wrote:

>> It's useless to waste time on Wikipedia.
> It may be "useless" if your only market is techies.  

"techies" know better than trust Wikipedia without checking the
sources anyway. 

This said, I *never* referred to "techies" in my earlier posts, and I
wasn't even talking only about OOo and/or ODF. I was always speaking
in general, sorry if it wasn't clear. I should have written "Whatever
the subject is, it's useless to waste time publishing it and trying to
keep it clean on Wikipedia".

In a sense, this post is almost offtopic here, because everything I
said is general, it isn't limited to OOo/ODF: it's true for any
"sensitive" topic, from religion to history to anything which (like
ODF) directly impacts a multi-million Euro market. In all those cases,
you'll always find somebody who knows less than you, but has more time
to "fix" what you wrote or money to hire somebody who does it.

In the long term, the only solution to this problem is never to link
to any wikipedia page, thus decreasing the chances that they come up
on top of searches even whey they haven't the best possible
information on some topic.


it's still absolutely useless, as far as I'm concerned. Would you
waste money on an advertising billboard that anybody can rewrite as
they please the second you turn your head? I know that most people
will only see that billboard, but I have a life. Unless somebody
**pays** me to do just that full time, I won't spend one minute
writing stuff that anybody could rewrite one minute later to match
their agenda.

I also think that, in this specific case:

> OO's biggest market isn't techies.

just because you're right, that's another reason to not waste efforts
on Wikipedia. Because those people won't even go to Wikipedia. They
look at advertising in printed magazines or TVs, or will just type
OpenOffice in Google. In the latter case, they'll see as first result
OpenOffice.org, so it's better to figure out what can be improved in
that website.


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