On 07/10/2009 10:29 PM, Jonathan Kaye wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
>> Just tried the same (Ubuntu 3.1.0PPA -go-oo build) and encountered the
>> same error. Checked:
>> http://extensions.services.openoffice.org/project/barcode
>> <quote>
>> Version 1.3 is released
>> Version 1.3 is compatible with OpenOffice.org 3.1 (prior versions are
>> not), so upgrading is very much recommended. It also includes a number
>> of new barcode types and a great number of translations. Thanks to all
>> the translators, it is great to see such enthusiasm!
>> ...
>> Removing old version
>> Sorry, I replied to Jørgen in a private email, but I guess his problem
>> is not unique. Unfortunately prior versions are so incompatible with
>> OpenOffice.org 3.1 that it can not even uninstall them.
>> </quote>
>> I even tried installing the new 1.3 version... & OOo honked - I had to
>> kill OOo.
>> I finally had to rename /home/<user>/.openoffice.org/3 to
>> /home/<user>/.openoffice.org/x-3-x
>> just to get OOo to start. Of course that blows out all of the other
>> installed extensions. IMO Barcode 1.x should be removed from the
>> extension database
>> (http://extensions.services.openoffice.org/project/barcode) until such
>> time as the issue is resolved. File a bug report.
> Thanks NoOp,
> I'm glad to see it's not just me being stupid. I'll try posting on
> g.c.o.devel.api and see if any of the devs have a solution. I'm got too
> many extensions that I need and OOo is mission-critical at the moment so I
> can't afford to risk disabling it even for a moment. I can live with the
> current situation. Filing a bug report is also a good idea.
> cheers,
> Jonathan

Got this back from Daniel Darabos:
> Barcode 1.3 (the current version) can be installed and uninstalled in
> OpenOffice.org 3.1 without problems (and upgrades to a future version
> are expected to be without problems as well). The problem is with the
> earlier versions. We can not make them magically disappear from the
> world, but the number of users affected is decreasing (since no one
> installs these old versions, but some users upgrade after a while), so
> with time this will not be an issue, and is already not an issue for
> new users.
> The safest upgrade route is to upgrade to Barcode 1.3 before upgrading
> to OpenOffice.org 3.1. Failing that you can follow the instructions at
> http://www.multiracio.com/eurooffice/support/faq#section-13 to upgrade
> without removing your user profile.
> Daniel Darabos

You might make a backup of your /3 folder and then try:
> A somewhat more complicated solution is to manually upgrade the extension 
> without using the Extension Manager.
>     * Locate the installed extension. It can be either in your user profile 
> or the shared folder under "uno_packages/cache/uno_packages" in a randomly 
> named folder. Within the randomly named folder there is a folder named 
> EuroOffice_Something.oxt.
>     * Download the new version of the EuroOffice extension. Note that this is 
> actually a ZIP archive, it is just renamed to OXT. Extract its contents.
>     * Copy the contents of EuroOffice_Something.oxt to the folder named 
> EuroOffice_Something.oxt so that the old files are overwritten with the new.

I can no longer test that on this machine as I tried to remove the
extension manually & messed up the registry. Ended up having to recreate
my /3 folder from scratch.

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