NoOp wrote:

> You might make a backup of your /3 folder and then try:
>> A somewhat more complicated solution is to manually upgrade the extension
>> without using the Extension Manager.
>>     * Locate the installed extension. It can be either in your user
>>     profile or the shared folder under "uno_packages/cache/uno_packages"
>>     in a randomly named folder. Within the randomly named folder there is
>>     a folder named EuroOffice_Something.oxt. * Download the new version
>>     of the EuroOffice extension. Note that this is actually a ZIP
>>     archive, it is just renamed to OXT. Extract its contents. * Copy the
>>     contents of EuroOffice_Something.oxt to the folder named
>>     EuroOffice_Something.oxt so that the old files are overwritten with
>>     the new.
> I can no longer test that on this machine as I tried to remove the
> extension manually & messed up the registry. Ended up having to recreate
> my /3 folder from scratch.
Not very complicated at all. After backing up the /3/ folder I grabbed a
copy of the Barcode(1.3).oxt file and renamed it. I removed the
old /Barcode.oxt folder and create a new empty folder with the same name. I
changed the name of the updated extension to and placed it in
the new (empty) Barcode.oxt folder. I unzipped the file and
then removed the zip file (harmless but no longer needed). I reopened
Openoffice and .... tada!!! a perfectly working Barcode 1.3 extension.

I know it sounds complicate when you write down all the steps but it's
obvious once you realise that .oxt files are zip files and then Openoffice
(confusingly in my view) names the folder where they are kept
{Extension}.oxt or Barcode.oxt in the example under discussion. It's easier
in the doing than the telling.

Anyway, thanks for your help, NoOp. I couldn't have done it without you. :)

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