On 07/12/2009 02:29 AM, Jonathan Kaye wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
> <snip>
>> You might make a backup of your /3 folder and then try:
>>> A somewhat more complicated solution is to manually upgrade the extension
>>> without using the Extension Manager.
>>>     * Locate the installed extension. It can be either in your user
>>>     profile or the shared folder under "uno_packages/cache/uno_packages"
>>>     in a randomly named folder. Within the randomly named folder there is
>>>     a folder named EuroOffice_Something.oxt. * Download the new version
>>>     of the EuroOffice extension. Note that this is actually a ZIP
>>>     archive, it is just renamed to OXT. Extract its contents. * Copy the
>>>     contents of EuroOffice_Something.oxt to the folder named
>>>     EuroOffice_Something.oxt so that the old files are overwritten with
>>>     the new.
>> I can no longer test that on this machine as I tried to remove the
>> extension manually & messed up the registry. Ended up having to recreate
>> my /3 folder from scratch.
> Not very complicated at all. After backing up the /3/ folder I grabbed a
> copy of the Barcode(1.3).oxt file and renamed it. I removed the
> old /Barcode.oxt folder and create a new empty folder with the same name. I
> changed the name of the updated extension to Barcode.zip and placed it in
> the new (empty) Barcode.oxt folder. I unzipped the Barcode.zip file and
> then removed the zip file (harmless but no longer needed). I reopened
> Openoffice and .... tada!!! a perfectly working Barcode 1.3 extension.
> I know it sounds complicate when you write down all the steps but it's
> obvious once you realise that .oxt files are zip files and then Openoffice
> (confusingly in my view) names the folder where they are kept
> {Extension}.oxt or Barcode.oxt in the example under discussion. It's easier
> in the doing than the telling.
> Anyway, thanks for your help, NoOp. I couldn't have done it without you. :)
> Jonathan

Yes. I wish I'd seen that prior to messing around with my uno registry
etc., and messing up my /3. I've suggested to Daniel Darabos to make
this the primary method & modify the faq and post on the extension page.
Also suggested that he create a script that does this automatically for
other's in the same situation.

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