> I don't know how big your numbers are but ...

The spreadsheet in question sees rounding in two places. In one sheet,
this number "317907988" was rounded to "317908000" in one row, but in
a later row was not rounded. In another sheet, the number "330476211"
was rounded to "330476000". All these fields are in format Number ->

> It seems that Calc on a 32 bit computer stores numbers as 64-bit floating
> point values. Of these 64 bits (assuming IEEE format), 53 bits are used to
> represent the actual digits, the remaining bits being used to store the sign
> and exponent. This gives an accuracy of about 15 decimal digits. You can see
> this by entering increasingly large numbers into a column formatted as
> integer (format as "number" with format code "0"). I got the following
> results:
> Entered            Displayed
> 1234567898765      1234567898765
> 12345678987654     12345678987654
> 123456789876543    123456789876543
> 1234567898765432   1234567898765430
> So a lowish 15-digit number is OK but a 16-digit number isn't. In fact
> accuracy breaks down at some point in the 15-digit number range.
> If you want accurately to store codes (phone numbers, product codes, ID
> numbers etc.) of 15 digits or more you *must* store them as *text*. If you
> actually want to handle (as in "do arithmetic on") *integer values* of 15 or
> more digits then I don't think Calc will do it unless (possibly) you move to
> a 64-bit computer - I don't know if Calc will use 128-bit floats which would
> give you 112 bits of integer accuracy or about 33 decimal digits.

The numbers in question are well below the 15-digits limit, even on
this 32-bit install (all systems that this spreadsheet has been edited
on have been 32 bit).

> Does this help?

My idea of "help" would be any hints on how to reproduce the problem
so that I could file a bug, and you have given me information on how
Calc _should_ behave, so yes it does help. Thanks!

Dotan Cohen


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